*MATCHED* Florida EM - Twins

March 28: waiting on update whether or not this has been matched

  • EM is looking to place her twins (boy/girl) for adoption. Below is a summary of the information I have so far from the adoption consultant for your review.

  • The EM is looking for an open adoption. She would like a two-parent home with a heterosexual, African American couple. She would like to meet before the birth.

  • The babies are twins (boy/girl). They are Black.

  • EM 5 kids she’s currently parenting and can’t take on any more kids.

  • No medical records have been provided.

  • Bio dad is unknown and rights will be terminated before birth.

  • Marijuana

  • EM would like an open adoption with updates and photos.


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If you would like to be considered for this case please click the link below and attach a compressed PDF of your profile book. If you have submitted previously and I have a copy of your information just put that you would like to be considered in the email.

This agency does work with New York & New Jersey.


Urgent Case: Florida Birth Mom - 3 sisters


Louisiana EM