April 10: Deadline for profile submissions has passed.

April 24: Mom has matched

  • Mom is looking to place her toddler adoption. Below is a summary of the information I have from the adoption agency for your review.

  • The mom is open to all parenting dynamics.

  • The boy is African American and turned 2 in February. No mental health or physical health concerns with the child. Mom had a healthy pregnancy.

  • Mom is 30 and The mother is dealing with significant depression and has decided that she no longer can or wants to care for the child, and prefers to place him for adoption. She is placing for both emotional and financial reasons.

    She is African American, 5’4 tall, and petite. Her current weight is 115, 104 pre-pregnancy. She has brown hair and light brown eyes.

    Says she grew up in a 2 parent home and got mostly A’s in school.

    She is currently pregnant with a girl and making an adoption plan for her as well. The details for that adoption have not been released yet. She doesn’t require them to be placed in the same home.

  • She received prenatal care throughout the pregnancy.

    No physical health concerns for the EM or her immediate family.

  • Father is known and does not contest the adoption.

    He is African American, 6’1”, of average build with brown hair and eyes.

  • No reported substance use during pregnancy.

  • Open adoption with updates, video c,alls and preferably annual visits.

  • Supportive services that could be added to her environment so that she could keep her child, placing with a relative or placing into transition care temporarily until she produced other ideas. She does not believe that any of these scenarios are viable options and would prefer to plan for adoption. She was further counseled on being sure about her decision, taking additional time to think about her decision, health history background, genetics, open vs closed adoption, financial assistance availability, adoption planning, confidentiality, the process of choosing an adoptive family, understanding the experiences and emotions that adoptive families encounter and process at various points during the adoption process, the option of expectant mom coaching, the adoption process, various emotions that she may experience before, during and post birth, the irreversible nature of her decision, managing emotions in the future, how to discuss adoption with those in her life, birth father matters, the grief process, PAD (post adoption depression), holidays, memories, triggers, pictures, memory books, good-bye ceremony options, her rights and responsibilities during the adoption process, managing expectations, the birth certificate, labor and delivery, infant care immediately following delivery, what to expect from the process overall, and frequently asked questions.


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*Disclaimer* I’ve heard mixed reviews about this agency and wasn’t planning to share more of their situations but since this is a born child and the mom isn’t getting any expenses paid I figured the chances of scams were low. Please have your attorney read over any/all agreements sent before paying the $15k match fee.

If you would like to be considered for this case please click the link below and attach a compressed PDF of your profile book. If you have submitted previously and I have a copy of your information just put that you would like to be considered in the email.

This agency does not work with NY & NJ


